Teachings of “Swami Vivekananda”

1.     The person has reached immortality, which is not disturbed by anything.

2.     Do one thing at a Time and while doing it, put your whole Soul in the exclusion of all others.
3.     This attachment of Love to God is actually that which does not bind the Soul but effectively breaks all its bondage.
4.     The Great Secret of True Success of True Happiness is this: the Man or Woman who does not ask for a return, the completely selfless person is the most successful.
5.     If you consider yourself as weak, you will become weak, and if you consider yourself strong then you will become strong.
6.     Never think that anything is impossible for the Soul. This is the biggest distraction to think so. If there is a sin, then it is the only sin, to say that you are weak, or others are weak.
7.     The biggest religion is to be true for your Nature. Believe in yourself.


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