Lage Raho Munna Bhai

I am fond of watching new movies in cinema halls. I want to offer my valuable comments on ‘Lage Raho Munna Bhai’.
Vidhu Vinod Chopra has given such a wonderful film. I am very much thankful for the same. This film could be seen as meeting between Gandhi Ji and Munna Bhai. This is the most interesting part of the story.
This is a real approach of character of Munna Bhai. There is no artificiality. More people try to adopt the ways and means adopted by Munna Bhai, to solve the problem. The best example was seen in Lucknow (UP, India). Some youth of a locality gheraod the wine shop keeper of his locality requesting to close the shop as this was harmful for the residents.
I am strong supporter of the film ‘Lage Raho Munna Bhai’. Some more people have a positive view on this film and its effect on our people, especially on our youth. Gandhi Ji, of course, had stood for many other things.
Sunjay Dutt has also played his role well. Vidhu Vinod Chopra has taken such a beautiful topic which would bring a ray of hope to our people.
We can solve our problems by taking inspiration from the film. We should solve our problems by the way Gandhi Ji did in the past and that can be better termed as ‘Gandhi Giri’.
Mahatma Gandhi preached us the doctrine of Love and peaceful co-existence. His policy of non-violence was a constructive one and it was under this noble and spiritual guidance that we achieved our independence without doing any kind of violence.
Gandhi Giri of Munna Bhai has not only inspired our people but it has also inspired the people of foreign countries. Italian Government has also decided to adopt his principle of ‘Gandhi Giri’ in his country to solve the problems by ‘Satya Graha’.


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