Strange Murder Story-Untimely Death

The milk man pressed the call bell at the door of Ram Shankar Mishra in the early morning. But when there was no voice inside the house and nobody turned to open the door, than he rang the call bell of neighbour 'Shri Kali Shankar’ Malhotra's house.
Kali Shankar Malhotra opened the door and asked the reason of pushing the call bell of his house. The milk man replied very politely that there was no other way but to push the call bell of his house. He was trying and trying again for opening the door of Ram Shankar Mishra's house but there was no response.
After hearing this Kali Shankar Malhotra himself tried to push the call bell of Mishra's house. But he was astonished to see no response from inside house. On this Kali Shankar Malhotra informed other neighbours. Nobody was able to see any other way. Suddenly the maid servant named RamKali of Ram Shankar Mishra came there. She was doing the work of cleaning utensils and other cleaning work of Mishra's house.
Kali Shankar Malhotra asked Ram Kali whether she had come to Mishra's house for doing her work yesterday. Ram Kali replied "Yes babuji, I had come to clean the utensils yesterday."
Pandit Sohan Lal asked another Question about the presence of other members in the house.
Ram Kali replied by saying that Pandit ji yesterday all the family members were present including his nephew Sunil. Thus Ram Kali narrated the whole story.
"Have you ever seen Sunil before yesterday?" Pandit Sohan Lal asked.
Ram Kali replied that Sunil used to come his house from some village.
"You all will standing at the door step of Mishra's house or will try to open the door by hook or crook." Pandit Sohan Lal suggested.
After discussion they decided to see the back side of the house. They found that there another door which was left open. They entered the house form back door and saw some blood spots in the veranda.
"Oh! Malhotra ji, see the dead body of Shri Mishra and his wife or lying in the pool of blood in the bedroom."
Manoj Raghuvanshi informed the gathering who was working in an insurance company and residing near his house.
"Come see there is laying another bodies of both the children of Mishra namely Mohan and Seema. The neighbour Mahesh told them. He was unable to control his anger after seeing dead bodies of these innocent children. After witnessing this unpleasant incident they went to local Police-Station and logged FIR. After lodging FIR the station in-charge Shri Roy Singh went to the place of incident with a Police party. After primary investigation he informed his superior officers about the incident.
Within no time some high officials of Police department reached the spot. Police photographer took photographs of the seen from different angles.
When the police was investigating inside the house they found an iron weapon called 'Banka' which is used in cutting woods.
The Police arrested Sunil as he was the prime suspect in the case. When Police used thief degree treatment Sunil accepted the crime. He stated that was fade up from the nasty remarks which were being passed on by Mohan and Seema. They used to call him "Dehati village Bhaiya."
Ram Kali also accepted her involvement in this murder case. After thorough investigation the Police have registered the case under IPC.


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