Travel To Himalayas

Photo by swapnil vithaldas on Unsplash

During my service in Defence Accounts Department, I have spent more than 2 years in ‘Lansdowne (Paudi, Garhwal- Uttaranchal- India), 6 months in ‘Darjeeling’ (West Bengal- India) and 6 months in ‘Shillong’ (Meghalaya- India). I have personal experience of life of Hill Stations, their merits and demerits. My personal feeling is that these places are much better and peaceful than Plains which have mechanical life.
To an Indian traveller a visit to Mountains is most refreshing after the oppressive heat of the Plains in summer. When a traveller reaches on mountains, he thinks that he is actually in his dreamland. Himalaya’s peaks covered by snow attract a traveller and he is surprised to see then he feels great peace and happiness after reaching Himalayas.
Surrounded by deferent types of Trees and full of musical voices of birds it looks like while standing on the land of the Himalayas that we have come to see the proud Himalaya and its white peaks. We also have a chance to view of Sunrise and Sunset on these hills.
The residents to Himalaya’s hills always burn midnight Oil for a different reason. They have to keep awake in the night because a Leopard might come at any time and devour your loved one. A large number of men and women have become victims of man-eater in the Jungles. The mountains in Gadhwal are dotted with clusters of isolated homes.
The traveller travels to place which belong to Himalaya must take care of their health as various types of health problems arise due to change to climate as the traveller comes in cold from opposite climates.
A traveller should also take care of landslides which often occur in hills. The weather of these places are generally cold and it is covered form dense frog mainly during rainy season.
A traveller should also take care of themselves that your Leg can slip from a rock while shooting an interesting scene. Due to this your Leg and your costly camera might be damaged.
Before traveling to a hill station a traveller must have some eatables that are Biscuits, Toffees, Chocolates, Tinned Vegetables, Maggie and cloths for winter season, and milk powder etc. a traveller must have goggles. He should have some eye drops for the safety of their eyes.
If during travel some have loose motions, he should have fast during these days. He must take Curd, Khichdi and Fruit Juice. He should have tablets of Avomine and Dip and doll etc.
And the last but not least, a traveller should not go outside his Hotel resident after Sunset to save himself from Man eaters etc.


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