Covid19- What To Do & Not To Do

These are following steps that should be taken to avoid ‘corona’:-
1.     Wash your Hands repeatedly from Soap & Water
2.     At the Time of when you are about to sneeze and the tissue used in this process you should trough the same in the vest paper basket
3.     You are advised to consult your Doctor immediately you are suffering from fever and cough & cold
4.     If you have come back from any Foreign Country or you have come into contact with an individual who is corona positive
5.     Be careful during your Journey and you have gone for Marketing
6.     Try to avoid yourself from rush of the People and keep away yourself from a corona affected people
7.     Do not spit in Public-Place
8.     Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth. After touching these you always wash your hands from Soap & Water
9.     When you feel the symptoms of fever and cough & cold do not visit Public-Places and do not contact the other People


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