Frequently Asked Questions about NIOS and its programmes- Part C

Qus 11. Can I change my Subjects during the validity Period of my admission?
Ans.      Yes, you can change one or more subjects, provided the total number of subjects does not exceed 7. However, such a change is permissible within 4 Years of your Registration, so that you can appear in the public examination within the validity period of admission. No change/addition of subjects will be allowed in the First Examination. Subjects already Passed cannot be changed.

Qus 12. How many subjects are required to be taken for obtaining the Pass Certificate?
Ans.      For obtaining a Pass Certificate at the Secondary Level, a Learner is required to Pass in a minimum of a 5 Subjects including 1 or maximum 2 Languages.

Qus 13. Can I seek admission in additional subjects also?
Ans.      Yes. You can opt up to 2 additional subjects. Thus, in all, you can choose a minimum of 7 Subjects.

Qus 14. What is the admission Fee for registration and the Examination fees?
Ans.      The latest Fee structure for registration and Examination is given on NIOS Website and in the Prospectus.

Qus 15. Can a Student take admission in Secondary/Senior Secondary Course of NIOS after Passing the Secondary/Senior Secondary Courses from a Formal Board of School Education?
Ans.      Yes, if you have completed the Secondary/Senior Secondary Course from and National/State Board of School Education and want to take admission in NIOS for the same Course, you will be allowed to take admission in NIOS in up to to 4 Subjects. On successful completion, you will get only the Mark sheet. No Certificate is issued under the dual/part Examination Scheme.


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