Frequently Asked Questions about NIOS and its programmes- Part D

Qus 16. How do I get confirmation of the Admission?
Ans.      Admission to a particular Course is normally confirmed by NIOS by issuing an Identity Card having your admission particulars as per the records available with NIOS. On confirmation of admission, enrolment number is also informed to the candidate.

Qus 17. How do I get the self-instructional material?
Ans.      The specially designed printed self-learning material for different Subjects along with other support material will be provided to you through post at your Home address. You are therefore expected to give your correct and complete Home address.

Qus 18. How can I procure my Study Material in case my Parcel is not delivered?
Ans.      In case of undelivered Parcel of Study material, you shall be required to pay Rs. 100/- by way of Demand-Draft in favour of Secretary NIOS, Payable At Delhi For Re-Dispatch Of Study Material at your resident to the Dy Director, Material Distribution Unit, C/o CWG, G T Karnal Road, Rana Pratap Bagh, Delhi-110033.

Qus 19. Is there any provision for correction in admission Record?
Ans.      Since the admission is 100% Online, the Learners are requested to be careful in making entries in the application forms. However, the correction will be done as per guideline posted on NIOS Website.

Qus 20. Do NIOS issue duplicate Identity Card?
Ans.      Yes, In case of loss of Identity Card, a duplicate Identity Card can be issued after Logic and FIR with the Concern Police-Station by the Candidate. Then one should apply on Plain Paper to the Concern Regional Centre of NIOS along with copy of the FIR, the Bank Draft of Rs.100/- and 2 Photographs. Detailed guidelines can be seen on NIOS Website in this regards.


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