NIOS: Syllabus of Secondary & Senior Secondary level Exam

Secondary level Exam

Group A-
1.     Hindi
2.     English
3.     Urdu
4.     Sanskrit
5.     Bengali
6.     Marathi
7.     Telugu
8.     Gujrati
9.     Kannada
10.  Punjabi
11.  Assamese
12.  Nepali
13.  Malayalam
14.  Odia
15.  Arabic
16.  Persian
17.  Tamil
             A Student is required to opt minimum One Language from the above list.

Group B-
1.     Mathematics (Theory and Practical both)
2.     Science and Technology (Theory and Practical both)
3.     Social Science
4.     Economics
5.     Business Studies
6.     Home Science (Theory and Practical both)
7.     Phycology
8.     Indian Culture and Heritage
9.     Accountancy
10.  Painting (Theory and Practical both)
11.  Data Entry Operations (Theory and Practical both)

Senior Secondary Level Exam:-

Group A-
1.     Hindi
2.     English
3.     Urdu
4.     Sanskrit
5.     Bengali
6.     Tamil
7.     Odia
8.     Punjabi

A student have to opt for One Language from the above list.

Group B-
1.     Mathematics
2.     Physics (Theory and Practical both)
3.     Chemistry (Theory and Practical both)
4.     Biology (Theory and Practical both)
5.     History
6.     Geography (Theory and Practical both)
7.     Political Science
8.     Economics
9.     Business Studies
10.  Accountancy
11.  Home Science (Theory and Practical both)
12.  Phycology
13.  Computer Science (Theory and Practical both)
14.  Sociology
15.  Painting (Theory and Practical both)
16.  Environmental Science (Theory and Practical both)
17.  Mass Communication (Theory and Practical both)
18.  Data Entry Operations (Theory and Practical both)
19.  Introduction To Law
20.  Library and Information Science (Theory and Practical both)


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