Important quotes of Learned People- Part 3

1. Be compassionate to the aggrieved 2. Never leave the path of Morel Ethics 3. Both the poison and the Nectar emanating from a treacherous heart are same in effect 4. Dexterity in business it the duty of a Businessman 5. Should the Businessman miss the opportunity of serving the Country now, they would not only close the doors of fair business for ever for the posterity, but would also tarnish their own Souls because of committing the sin of negligence of duty for the Country 6. Truth is the root of the growth of all business 7. Swadeshi is like a life-restoring herb for India 8. Khaadi is bread for the hungry, stick for the blind and courage for the widow 9. Pureness can only be achieved through pour means 10. The root o...