Important quotes of Learned People- Part 3



1.     Be compassionate to the aggrieved

2.     Never leave the path of Morel Ethics

3.     Both the poison and the Nectar emanating from a treacherous heart are same in effect

4.     Dexterity in business it the duty of a Businessman  

5.     Should the Businessman miss the opportunity of serving the Country now, they would not only close the doors of fair business for ever for the posterity, but would also tarnish their own Souls because of committing the sin of negligence of duty for the Country

6.     Truth is the root of the growth of all business

7.     Swadeshi is like a life-restoring herb for India

8.     Khaadi is bread for the hungry, stick for the blind and courage for the widow

9.     Pureness can only be achieved through pour means

10. The root of caprice and luxury is the ignorance about the ideal of life, or misunderstanding, or and indifference towards it

11. Work can be up to mark only when workers are up to the mark

12. Renunciation of selfishness means the renunciation of me and mine

13. If you have an integrated India in view, you must learn Hindi

14. Treat the Girls with affection and respect

15. Do not ever be ashamed of hard work

16. Expecting a support from others, we are more lightly to get that support and under such circumstances, that support will be better utilized too

17. Swadeshi is the key to India’s all-round progress

18. The temples should be imputed with spiritual and religious ambience

19. The Brave and capable should protect the week and helpless

20. Reform should start at one’s Home

21. Reform yourself through self-introspection

22. In marriage, we should only perform bare religious ceremony and avoid other ostentations

23. Spinning wheel should be propagated in each Indian Home

24. Have a feeling of generosity

25.   Ability and quality are appreciated everywhere


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