Important quotes of Learned People- Part 2


1.           We will have to remove, through Education darkness of the Mind among rural folk

2.           Treating Human beings as untouchables is inhuman

3.           People should move forward fearlessly, and with determination. They should remember that their own affords alone can alleviate their suffering

4.           Constrictive work is constantly useful in ‘Swaraj’ and ‘Satyagrah’

5.           Those who only favor to follow the tradition of widowhood, should also see to it that they themselves give enough importance to simplicity, devotion to God and national service in their own personal life

6.           He who does evil deeds is of low caste, and he who does Good deeds belongs to High Caste 

7.           The reason of any fondness for Hindi is that it has the strength of becoming the National Language of India

8.           The question of widow marriage can be solved to a large extent by barring the Child Marriage

9.           Such Education should be imparted which could lead to the development of Women’s Life in it’s entirely

10.         India’s well-being depends on her unity and the main source of this unity is Hindi

11.         Keep endeavoring for social reforms

12.         Good Housewives, we should pay more attention towards making them ‘brahmavadinis’ in the services of the Nation

13.         Man was born for rendering services

14.         Be alert to make your Children virtuous

15.         Honesty is the language of Love, unity and freedom

16.         All casts should have an equal right for their development

17.         If we are honest to ourselves and to our dedication, then our Soul will remain free even if they put our body behind the bars

18.         If you think it over you will realize that your true interest and that of your business lies in your giving-up the age old indifference and cowardice and participating fully in this ‘National Yojna’

19.         Have Faith in the Power of Your Body and Soul

20.         Money should be earned through fair practices

21.         Do not hesitate to say No

22.         Appropriate change is a necessary part of Life

23.         One develops fondness for the thing earned through Hard Work

24.         Do not desire to be eulogized

25.         Earn Money through just and truthful means


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