Important quotes of Learned People- Part 1


1.      Khaadi Acts as a Great Advisor for the reformation of our character

2.      Education should help Women in self development

3.      We should discover our own short comings and try to remove them

4.      Lack of Funds does not hamper work lack of dedicated worker does

5.      People should constantly oppose something which is against the Law and be prepared to face the consequences of this opposition

6.      There is no better aide of a Businessman than his own Goodwill

7.      In the Times of National crises, the Businessman too should realize their responsibility

8.      Do not affix your signature on any paper before you have red it

9.      If the Power of the state affairs a concentrated in the hands of one individual, there is a great danger of its misuse

10.   Give less importance to smaller interest in compassion to bigger interest

11.   In case of a disagreement with the opponent, reach a compromise even before the Sun sets

12.   Life should be led in a manner that even after death no body should think of you as an enemy

13.   Never give up truth ; give up false hood

14.   Knowledge cannot be digested without destroying egoism

15.   All casts should have equal rights to self-development and to live with comfort in the society. And these should remain as such

16.   Hatred and jealousy should be conquered by Love

17.   Whatever be the reason of the Birth of untouchability, presently it is absolutely improper from the viewpoint of sensible Religious Belief and Practice

18.   Do not take any monetary risks in the hope that you will make only profits

19.   Do not build up hopes of doing more then what you can really do

20.   Khaadi has the Power to unite

21.   Fiery speeches are going to achieve nothing. We should acquire the force to do the really work

22.   Move towards the Goal with grim determination

23.   The Husbands should give full attention to the progress of the Housewives

24.   Be fearless

25.   The really workers and the producers of the National Wealth, help us in keeping our environment clean and healthy. By depriving them of their social and civic rights, by making them untouchables, we put them to grief


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