Important quotes of Learned People- Part 4


1.     I have no doubt that the salvation of the Present day India lies in Khaadi

2.      Khaadi establishes the villages

3.      For the Brahmins, spinning the wheel is like saying the Evening Prayers

4.      Khaadi is filled with Religion to the Brim

5.      The Capitalist should not make so much Profit as to leave the laborer starved and bare

6.      Unless a common Language is adopted in India, it is impossible to make a headway in any direction

7.      Ideal Education helps the National Progress

8.      The Girls should have Freedom in matters of their Marriage

9.      It is great knowing someone’s agony without his ever expressing it

10.   Suppression and tyranny by the adversary are not obstacles but instruments in the achievement of our Goal

11.   All casts should have an equal right for their development

12.   Honesty is the language of Love, Unity and Freedom

13.   Swadeshi will be a source of emancipation for our untouchable brethren

14.   All tasks can be accomplished through Faith and Devotion

15.   We should not forget that Hindi is the Language of Faith, of National Unity and of Freedom. To make these Powers visibly present in Hindi is our responsibility

16.   Always Pray to God to give us Good sense

17.   Swadeshi is the sight magnificent of God in the form of Swarajya

18.   Our old simplicity and self-piousness can be regarded through ‘Khaadi’ alone

19.   Serve the poor to the best of your abilities

20.   A forcibly rule is a sign of uncivilized society

21.   Conflicts and jealousy too increase because of the ornaments

22.   Preserve your self-respect under any circumstances

23.   Never do any work half-heartedly

24.   Donate only where each pie is put to a proper use

25.   Man should not be subservient for reasons of Food and Clothing


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