Important quotes of Learned People- Part 7


1.      Swadeshi will prove to be a bond of Love among various Indian communities

2.      Remembering His name makes our mind steady

3.      Khaadi is an excellent means of improving the lot of India’s poor

4.      Untouchability for public places like Temples, Wells, Schools, ‘Dharmshalas’ etc, it is no use showing verbal sympathies to them

5.      The best Education in one which fosters the qualities of sacrifice and service

6.      Reform yourself instead of others

7.      The plicate of co-operation can succeed only when there is mutual trust and goodwill on both the sides and both the sides genuinely desire co-operation

8.      Just beware of a stranger, don’t distrust him

9.      Hindi should be made the national language

10.   Be miserly for yourself, but liberal for others

11.   We cannot move ahead towards our objective if, in excitement, we say alright pungently or blame authorities

12.   The so-called untouchable casts, have given us the knowledge that no human being is inferior. Thus it is our enormous duty that we open the doors of our Temples for the so-called untouchables

13.   The maximum expectation or the Country for giving up of selfishness is from the pious hearts of the Young men and Women

14.   To keep a person deprived of his justifiable right is a sin

15.   Keep trying to build up Spiritual strength

16.   Have obliged someone, don’t eulogise it

17.   Think only of success, speak only of success and you will see that you will succeed

18.   Each man and Woman  of India should take to spinning ‘Charkha’ like a Religious duty

19.   Keep the desire for appreciation ever alive

20.   Constructive work is a means of enhancing the nation’s strength

21.   It seems, for the Time being, the need of Hour is to fight against the evils of our own society then to fight against the foreign rule

22.   Understand and weigh fully the Power of non-violence, and if you find it useful, strength-giving and purposeful, make it the faith of your life

23.   Making the national language capable and forceful is the responsibility of us all

24.   The future of the national language depends more or less on the regional languages

25.   Life is-A little pain, A little pleasure, A little heaping up of Treasure, Then no more gazing upon the Sun, All things must end that have begun


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