Important quotes of Learned People- Part 6


1.      We are to increase our own Power to perform and prove it through solid work

2.      I appeal to the Students to sincerely Learn Hindi and thus become true citizens of India

3.      Protesting Faith in non-violence but in sighting violence through words and deeds can be harmful to the national interest and also for the dignity of the congress

4.      A pure sacrifice on the altar of the nation never goes in vain

5.      A genuine step taken with boldness will lead to progress

6.      We alert to make your Children virtuous

7.      Renunciation and sacrifice should also be pious and elevating

8.      Education should be motivated by good conduct rather than by sheer Books

9.      Only moral rule is desirable for a civilized society

10.   One should keep trying to overcome one’s weaknesses

11.   Financial resources are no constraints for one who is devoted to noble cause

12.   We should allow the untouchables to take Water from our Wells, let their children get admission to the Schools, and permit them to enter the Temples for the ‘Darshan’ of the deity

13.   Such Education through the impaired which could lead to the development of women’s life in its entirely

14.   India’s well-being depends on her unity and the main source of this unity is Hindi

15.   Treat all, weather Rich or poor, with equality

16.   One would only repent if one does not respond to the demands of the Time

17.   Everyone who wishes for success in life should have in him the strength to convince others of the truth of what he says

18.   Saying aye-to-aye to the rulers is considered to be the only form of loyalty to the nation

19.   If we are honest to ourselves and to our dedication, than our Soul will remain free even if they put our body behind the bars

20.   If you think it over, you will realize that your true interest and that of your business lies in your giving up the age old indifferent and cowardice and participating fully in this national ‘Yojna’

21.   Treating Human beings as untouchables is inhuman

22.   We will have to remove, through Education darkness of the mind among rural folk

23.   Those who only favor to follow the tradition of widowhood, should also see to it that they themselves give enough importance to simplicity, devotion to God, and national service in their own personal life

24.   He who does evil deeds is of low cast, and he who does Good deeds belong to high cast

25.   We cannot move ahead towards our objective if, in excitement, we say all right pungently or blame authorities


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