
Showing posts from March, 2020

Whole World is in Trouble due to carelessness of China

Corona virus's origin is in Wuhan city of China. It was started from meat market of Wild Animals. Dangerous virus was produced in China. It has been observed that the use of meat was started from meat of wild animals. The disease of these animals infected the individuals but due to change of Climate and habits of eating were change. It was international travelling problems this infection started spreading at a large scale. Ultimately slowly the infection of corona virus would be controlled very soon. I hope our whole World would be free one day or other from this corona virus. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is leaving no stone unturned to check corona virus in India. He has also donated a large amount of Money to President of China to eradicate this dangerous disease.

Covid19- What To Do & Not To Do

These are following steps that should be taken to avoid ‘corona’:- 1.      Wash your Hands repeatedly from Soap & Water 2.      At the Time of when you are about to sneeze and the tissue used in this process you should trough the same in the vest paper basket 3.      You are advised to consult your Doctor immediately you are suffering from fever and cough & cold 4.      If you have come back from any Foreign Country or you have come into contact with an individual who is corona positive 5.      Be careful during your Journey and you have gone for Marketing 6.      Try to avoid yourself from rush of the People and keep away yourself from a corona affected people 7.      Do not spit in Public-Place 8.      Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth. After touching these you always wash your hands from...

Necessity of Washing Hands to Save from Coronavirus

To wash hands in the Water is necessary because the infected of this disease is spreading this virus among individuals . Some People ask about this . The Answer is very Simple that this would check the spreading of this dangerous disease . According to Medical Science it is necessary to use this Technique . This would check to Save ourselves from this disease .

Corona Virus (Covid19) से बचने का ये रामबाण तरीका जान लो कोरोना वायरस आस...


Inter-cast and Inter-Province Marriages in India

Image I ’ m of the view that our Country has made progress in many fields of Life but I ’ m sorry to say that Marriages are solemnized only on Cars basis but I ’ m of the view that this is not practicable in Modern Days . I suggest that marriages should be arranged after considering the liking & disliking of the Boy & Girl . The Question of Cast, Creed, Religion and State should not be a criteria . The Financial position should only be considered which is the basis of a successful Life .

भारतीय महिलाओं की बदलती स्थिति

मैं अपने इस ब्लॉग के द्वारा भारतीय महिलाओं की स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति के बाद की दशा पर प्रकाश डालना अपना परम कर्त्तव्य समझता हूँ. स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति के पूर्व तथा काफी वर्षों तक भारतीय समाज में विशेषकर भारतीय गाँवों में खास ध्यान नहीं दिया जाता था. शहरों में भी पढ़े-लिखे परिवारों को छोड़कर उनके हालत की तरफ विशेष ध्यान नहीं दिया जाता था. महिलओं को केवल घर की देखभाल के ही योग्य समझा जाता था. अधिकतर परिवारों में केवल बालकों को शिक्षा ग्रहण करने के लिए स्कूलों में भेजा जाता था. लेकिन धीर-धीर यहाँ के नागरिकों को उनकी दशा सुधारने का ख्याल आया तथा उन्होंने समझा कि घर की लड़कियों को भी शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के सुव-अवसर प्रदान करने चाहिए. उसके बाद घर की लड़कियों को भी शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के लिए भेजना प्रारंभ कर दिया. आज जो बालिकाएं पढाई-लिखाई में खूब मन लगा रही हैं वे इसी सोच का परिणाम है. कुछ वर्ष के अंतराल के बाद पढाई पूरी करने के बाद घर के बाहर जाकर नौकरी करना प्रारंभ किया तथा अपने गृह-जनपद के बाहर जाना स्वीकार किया. सर्वप्रथम पढ़ी-लिखी महिलाओं ने केवल अध्यापिका का पद स्वीकार किया....

Teachings of “Swami Vivekananda”

1.     The person has reached immortality, which is not disturbed by anything. 2.     Do one thing at a Time and while doing it, put your whole Soul in the exclusion of all others. 3.     This attachment of Love to God is actually that which does not bind the Soul but effectively breaks all its bondage. 4.     The Great Secret of True Success of True Happiness is this: the Man or Woman who does not ask for a return, the completely selfless person is the most successful. 5.     If you consider yourself as weak, you will become weak, and if you consider yourself strong then you will become strong. 6.     Never think that anything is impossible for the Soul. This is the biggest distraction to think so. If there is a sin, then it is the only sin, to say that you are weak, or others are weak. 7.     The biggest religion is to be true for your Nature. Believe in yourself.

Conditions of Married Women in India

I am inviting the views of our Learned Readers of my Blog so that I may be able to know the views of our Readers . I want that Women who are educated i . e . Educated up to Graduation and above should try to get Jobs i . e . Central Government, State Government and other private Jobs should take less responsibilities in their Homes . They should only devote their Time in Cooking in the House and they should employ uneducated Ladies for their other work in Home i . e . washing utensils and other work of cleanness etc. in the Homes . The Ladies who are uneducated and less Educated i . e . below High School should do Home - Work in Homes of those who are doing Jobs outside their Homes . This would be in the best interest of our County .

China President Xi Jinping is very much frightened from Coronavirus

Xi Jinping is very much frightened from ‘Corona’ epidemic. First Time he has talked openly about Corona epidemic which has taken Lives of so many residents of China. He has told that this is the great health enemy. He has said all this in a meeting to check this great epidemic. He said that this disease spreading very fast. A large number of individuals have lost their Lives. It is very difficult to check this disease. This is a Time of great difficulty and we have to face with a great zeal. This epidemic would affect the Economy and Society. But this would be abolished after some Time.


Now a days a new epidemic Coronavirus is affecting a large number of individuals in Foreign Countries (even now in India too) . Its origin is China . A recent death has occurred in Karnataka State of India . Our Prime Minister has advices our Country Men not to visit foreign Countries without any valid reason . He has also cancelled the foreign visit of Central Ministers to foreign Countries . I also advice every individuals of India should avoid to attend the Public gathering . This would a wise step to save our Precious Life .

पिता महान हैं

मेरा पिता बड़े ही महान हैं, इंसानियत की वो शान हैं. भगवान् की बनाई मूरत हैं मगर,  हम बच्चों के वे ही भगवान् हैं. सिर पर उनका साया रहे सदा,  यही हमारा छोटा सा अरमान है. ऊँगली पकड़ कर चलना सिखाया हमें,  जीवन की राह पर आगे बढ़ाया हमें, अब उनके सपने पूरे करना है,  बस यही लक्ष्य महान है.

Frequently Asked Questions about NIOS and its programmes- Part D

Qus 16 . How do I get confirmation of the Admission? Ans .       Admission to a particular Course is normally confirmed by NIOS by issuing an Identity Card having your admission particulars as per the records available with NIOS . On confirmation of admission, enrolment number is also informed to the candidate . Qus 17 . How do I get the self - instructional material? Ans .       The specially designed printed self - learning material for different Subjects along with other support material will be provided to you through post at your Home address . You are therefore expected to give your correct and complete Home address . Qus 18 . How can I procure my Study Material in case my Parcel is not delivered? Ans .       In case of undelivered Parcel of Study material, you shall be required to pay Rs . 100 /- by way of Demand - Draft in favour of Secretary NIOS, Payable At Delhi For Re - Dispa...

Frequently Asked Questions about NIOS and its programmes- Part C

Qus 11 . Can I change my Subjects during the validity Period of my admission? Ans .       Yes, you can change one or more subjects, provided the total number of subjects does not exceed 7 . However, such a change is permissible within 4 Years of your Registration, so that you can appear in the public examination within the validity period of admission . No change / addition of subjects will be allowed in the First Examination . Subjects already Passed cannot be changed . Qus 12 . How many subjects are required to be taken for obtaining the Pass Certificate? Ans .       For obtaining a Pass Certificate at the Secondary Level, a Learner is required to Pass in a minimum of a 5 Subjects including 1 or maximum 2 Languages . Qus 13 . Can I seek admission in additional subjects also? Ans .       Yes . You can opt up to 2 additional subjects . Thus, in all, you can choose a minimum of 7 Subjec...

Frequently Asked Questions about NIOS and its programmes- Part B

Qus 6 .   Can any Learner take direct Admission in the Senior Secondary Courses? Ans .       No . To take admission in the Senior Secondary Course, the candidate must have passed the Secondary Course from a recognize board . Qus 7 .   What is minimum age to take admission to the Senior Secondary Course? Ans .       The minimum age to take admission in the Senior Secondary Course is 15 Years . Qus 8 .   What are the mediums of Studies available in NIOS? Ans .       The NIOS offers the Secondary Courses in English, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Odia, Telugu, Gujrati and Malayalam mediums, and the Senior Secondary Courses in English, Hindi, Odia, Bengali and Urdu mediums . Qus 9 .   What are the Subjects available in the Secondary Course [ Class X ] ? Ans .       Hindi, English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Bengali, Odia, Marathi, Telugu, Gujrati, Kannada, Punja...

Frequently Asked Questions about NIOS and its programmes- Part A

Qus 1.  What is the procedure for taking admissions in NIOS? Ans.       NIOS has introduced 100% Online Admission at the Secondary and the Senior Secondary Level in order to facilitate learners in registering themselves with it.               Under the scheme, learners have 3 options: 1. They can registered themselves Online directly by visiting the website of NIOS i.e. 2. They may visit their nearest AI (Study Centre) Facilitation centre and take their help for online registration. 3. They may visit their regional centres and take their help for online registration. Candidates can also use the services of common services centres of the Government of India for online registration throughout the Country. Qus 2.  What is the illegibility criteria for admission to the Secondary Course? Ans.       A person who has passed Cl...

NIOS: Syllabus of Secondary & Senior Secondary level Exam

Secondary level Exam Group A- 1.      Hindi 2.      English 3.      Urdu 4.      Sanskrit 5.      Bengali 6.      Marathi 7.      Telugu 8.      Gujrati 9.      Kannada 10.   Punjabi 11.   Assamese 12.   Nepali 13.   Malayalam 14.   Odia 15.   Arabic 16.   Persian 17.   Tamil               A Student is required to opt minimum One Language from the above list. Group B- 1.      Mathematics (Theory and Practical both) 2.      Science and Technology (Theory and Practical both) 3.      Social Science 4.      Economics 5.      Business Studies 6. ...